~8 cups fresh raspberries)
1.7 oz box fruit pectin
½ tsp butter
6½ cups sugar
4 pint jars, or 8 half pint jars
New lids
Step 1
Wash and dry your jars, lids and rings in hot soapy water, making sure they are thoroughly rinsed.
Step 2
Heat a small sauce pan of water to a boil, remove from the heat and add your lids and rings. This will help the lids seal a bit faster when they are placed on the jars.
Step 3
Measure out your sugar into a large bowl.
Step 4
Place your fresh raspberries into a large pot. (No need to crush them; they will break down naturally for you as they heat through.)
Step 5
Sprinkle the pectin over the top of the berries. Add the butter to help it keep from foaming.
Step 6
Turn the heat to high and stir it as the mixture heats up. Bring it to a rolling boil, meaning a boil that continues to bubble even when you are stirring it.
Step 7
Add sugar and keep on stirring. Bring it back to a rolling boil, then once achieved let it boil hard for 1 minute.
Step 8
Remove from the heat and pour half of the mixture into a large glass measuring cup. Using a pourable glass measuring cup will make for an easier time getting the jam into the jars.
Step 9
Carefully pour the hot jam into pint or half-pint jars. Wet a paper towel and clean off the rim of the jar, making sure there isn't any jam sticking.
Step 10
Immediately place the dried lids and rings onto the jar and twist closed. You want to act quickly here, and do it while the jam is nice and hot. It will seal a lot better for you, if you do.
Step 11
Store in a cool dry place for up to 12 months. Once each jar is opened it should be kept in the fridge.